“Nobody needs mercury!”
Starring Steve Jobs & Barack Obama
More details reg. chronic mercury toxicity on
comprehensive “Nobody needs mercury!” info site:

Mercury sources in random order:
Dental Amalgam Fillings, Coal-fired Power Plants, Trash incinerators, Gold-mining/production, Nonferrous Metal Production,, Human Crematories, Chlor-Alkali Plants, Caustic Soda Production, Cement Kilns,
Pig Iron and Steel Production, Fish, Cosmetics, Fluorescent Lamps/CFL, Vaccinations (Thiomersal), Mercury Production (Batteries etc.), Biomass Burning

Find out who I am ... watch the movie!
Say NO to the worlwide mercury poisoning of man and nature plus show your support by using and wearingin public the NNM MERCHANDISE:
Below you see some of the NNM merchandise products ... find them all and much more on: http://www.poisonmetal.com/MercuryPoisoning/WEBSHOP.html
Using and wearing in public the NNM merchandise you actively help spreading the word about the worldwide mercury issue, you also heighten the awareness about and acceptance of the related diagnosis chroninc mercury toxicity plus aid in the fight for a global ban on all man-made mercury containing products and sources.